DA by Moz scores range from 1 to 100. Likewise, the higher the number, the higher the site's ranking on search engines.
You can use a free domain SEO analysis tool to telephone number list calculate your domain authority. The free version has a limit on the number of sites you can research per day.
As Moz said, DA is calculated by using multiple factors such as:
link root domain
total number of links
Quality of incoming and outgoing links
It's important to note that you might also be interested in another metric, and it's called Page Authority . The difference between the two is that webpage authorities can predict the ranking of a particular webpage in search engines, while the other two metrics focus on domains.
As you can see, both Domain Authority and Domain Rank provide similar information that you can use to analyze the strength of a particular domain. Which one you choose is up to you, depending on what you need to measure.
If you look at the Ahrefs.com domain authority on Moz, the DA score is 76.
If we check Ahrefs.com in Ahrefs' Domain Rating, it scores 89.
Which tool should you use? It depends on what you want to measure. The metrics DR and DA are similar but not the same, in fact, they measure slightly different things.
in conclusion,
Ahref's Domain Rating (DR) gives you an idea of the strengths of your website's backlinks. The main factor that Ahrefs considers is backlinks.
Moz 's Domain Authority (DA) provides information on which site ranks higher in the SERPs by measuring linking root domains, number of quality incoming and outgoing links, and more.
A link-building campaign is a required part of every marketing and SEO strategy. If your website has a lot of high-quality backlinks, you have a better chance of ranking higher in Google.
But there is more. If other sites with higher domain authority link to yours, you will rank higher for the keywords that you have optimized for. Also, if a website with a high DA link links to telephone number list yours, it means you are doing a good job and generating a lot of content.
Related : Why Your Backlinks Are Not Indexed
Now, let's move on to how to determine if the effort to get high-quality links is paying off.