at their computer right now... "How long Ws Numbers List does this process take to start seeing results"? If you don't think you could do it for longer Ws Numbers List than 5-6 months, you might as well not start. This is the mentality you need to possess with Ws Numbers List any strategy you are using in your business. Want to make the dime, got to spend the time... Basically, Your Time Break
Down Will Look Like This: Every Monday Ws Numbers List, revisit your strategy to make sure you're on the right track and focusing on the right Ws Numbers List areas Time: 1 hour Monday through Friday, implement the strategy. Schedule, create, and Ws Numbers List post updates. Engage with the community. Time: 2 hours Every Friday, check your metrics. See how you're doing on your goals
, and identify areas for growth. Time: 1 hour Ws Numbers List Total time: 12 hours per week Depending on the scope of your business, your time could be Ws Numbers List greater or smaller than this. The above times are simply a guide and benchmark for your Ws Numbers List own social strategy. So, if you commit to a good strategy and follow it, you'll get there