The endless grind of leveling up in Classic World of Warcraft can be tiring—and downright time-consuming! Nobody wants to exert the effort just to go through the motions of farming. Why waste precious in-game hours doing the same monotonous tasks for money when there's so much more content to enjoy? Well, players no longer have to let the grind suck the fun out of their WoW Classic experience, thanks to having the option to get WOW Gold Classic from third-party marketplaces. Since some players have ample resources in the game, it's typical for some of them to give it to the other fellow gamers in the WoW community who need it the most.
How to farm
Gold is essential in The Burning Crusade Classic - you always need more gold for consumables, gear, repairs, and e.t.c. Gold farm is very slow in The Burning Crusade Classic, that’s why this service is so popular! Not to mention that the only farming class is Mage and not every Mage is able to actually farm.
But anyway, there are several ways of getting gold in WoW Classic. Let’s start with those that are available to anyone.
1. Auction House
This is a quite questionable method, but there are some people doing it. The main scheme is as follows: “buy low, sell high”. You basically buy the items that are listed with cheaper than average prices and then sell them for more. If you’re going for this method, we suggest you install some AH addons first;
2. Professions
Sell stuff that you are crafting or gathering. For example, if you have a skinning profession, you can farm yourself some leather and then sell it on AH or craft something from it via leatherworking and then sell it. Some people can take 2 gathering professions to gather lots of stuff for selling on AH. Skinning + Herbalism, for instance;
3. Mob farm
This method’s effectiveness will depend on your class and your gear. As we’ve mentioned before, there’s only 1 class that won’t have any trouble farming large packs of mobs. This class is the mage. Just spam blizzard spell on mobs. Other classes won’t be able to pull packs, but will nicely farm mobs one by one. Ranged classes will be more comfortable with this. But anyway, you can’t escape this method of farming if you’re planning on making some gold with crafting;
4. Selling your spells
Mages have one more advantage in terms of making gold. They can sell portals! Mages in Classic are really unmatched in many aspects of the game.
World of Warcraft Classic Gold, sometimes referred as WoW Classic gold, is the main currency in the game which allows you buy gear upgrades, bags, materials and more. You can farm WoW gold in Classic through manually completing quest, selling items, looting gold from enemies, etc. However, the WoW Classic gold farming process is tedious and time-wasting. is the best place to Buy WOW Gold Classic and items. We are trusted by millions of MMO players because of safety guarantee, low prices, fast delivery and professional services.
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